This fifth installment for the technique of the week starts off when your opponent has you in a single leg X guard position. A brief breakdown of single leg X is when the person has control of the ankle via hugging it to the side of the body. The outer leg is secure to the leg and pinching the inner knee creating pressure while the foot wraps to the front of the hip. The inside leg is positioned between the legs with the shin on the inner thigh or foot on the inner hip, and pinching with the knees. This position can be very dangerous for leg lock attempts, sweeps, and more.
Avoiding this single leg X guard comes with knowing how to pass it, and following the steps above will teach you just that. At Lepri Raleigh here in Cary, NC — a Lucas Lepri affiliate –Coach Tony Casarez and his team display techniques like this to the BJJ students to help them in both competition but also in self-defense scenarios.
Our Adult BJJ and Kids BJJ programs drill moves just like this on a regular basis, so no matter the position there is an opportunity for a pass, and then submission. BJJ has changed the lives of many and we invite potential students interested in Raleigh, Durham, and Cary to come try out a free week. Check out our class schedules and let us know when you are stopping by to learn from the best in the Triangle area. Contact us today for more information on our BJJ programs.
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